In 2007 I launched a shop called Astronaut, one of the toughest and most rewarding things I've done. Over the years we amassed a flaming heap of glory for ourselves. We also made a mark for a lot of people who counted on us. And it's people I think of the most when I reflect on our achievements, which is why I'm featuring a bunch in this part of my portfolio.
Visit Astronaut's website.
Identity system design: Jeff Pollard
Astronaut design meets NASCAR and two major champions of ELECTRIC VEHICLES,
racecar driver Leilani Munter and Mark Ruffalo (ALL THREE OF US WORKING WITH ASTRONAUT CLIENT PrairieGold Solar)
racecar driver Leilani Munter and Mark Ruffalo (ALL THREE OF US WORKING WITH ASTRONAUT CLIENT PrairieGold Solar)
At BMW'S "Iconic Impulses" / Next 100 Event in Santa Monica, California in support of Mini's tech incubator, Urban-X. That's me on the left in front of a concept car. That's Tony Hawk ON THE RIGHT in front of graphics AND A PRESENTATION WE DESIGNED.
Sometimes clients become friends. With Deborah Dodge in Berkeley.
Astronaut T-Shirt Graphic By Bodamer
Amber Badass, video shoot in the Black Hills for Indian MotorCycle.